Multi residential projects
Target multi residential new builds or conversions to focus on the house, flat or apartment projects that meet your new business needs
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Planning Pipe provides a live feed to the UK Planning system, reporting on all new smaller residential construction projects submitted for planning approval within (on average) 48 hours of local authority publication. The Planning Pipe website therefore provides the most comprehensive source of new construction sales leads – for smaller residential construction projects - in the UK.
As a contractor, construction supplier or property professional, the site can provide alerts (for free!) to any type of new residential project – from house extensions, residential conversions and single new builds - as well as mid-sized and large housing schemes. The free service allows construction firms to benchmark what residential schemes are coming up in their market and what they might be missing.
Every week on average Planning Pipe reports on over:
You can tailor your searches and alerts to only focus on the new projects relevant to your business. Construction project plans can be filtered by construction sector, such as residential care homes, hotels or housing projects - or by geography, with all planning authorities in the UK are covered – or by project build value.
Subscribers have instant access to client, developer and architect contact details, providing a vital early heads-up on upcoming new business opportunities. Telephone contact details are available on virtually all projects over £100k build value. In addition, addresses on the majority of private residential projects are provided in mailmerge format for those targeting house extensions and single new builds.
Subscribers to the Bespoke Regional service receive full access to all project and contact data in 2 UK Regions and pay just £54.95 + VAT per month. With a minimum subscription of 6 months, there is no long term subscription commitment required. National subscribers pay from just £109.95 + VAT per month. All subscribers can set up 5 different project alerting services sent to up to five people within their organisation. This means a single firm can track construction sales leads in different markets and territories at no extra cost!
For free sample of new single residential projects directly relevant to your business, give us a call on 01202 757980.
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