9556 new projects in the last 7 days
Sales leads will tell you who to call, but you still need to
win the work. Improve your odds by getting the maximum value from every sales
call you place. Here are five things to bear in mind as you pick up the phone:
Offer a warm personal introduction – say who you are, the
firm you represent, and where you’re based. Keep in short, friendly and
State the reason for calling – bring the conversation round
to the specific job you have in mind. Name it and make your interest clear.
List the benefits you offer for this particular project–
without dominating the conversation, spell out what value you can add here.
Perhaps you’re close by, or you’ve done similar projects well – if so, offer to
send over some case studies.
Listen! Despite the stereotype about sales people talking
too much, the ones who really excel are good listeners. Note any details and
specifics, and then use them in a follow-up email to show that you were
interested and paying attention.
Ask good questions – gather information for your follow up calls and when to make them, the names of any other decision makers you might need to contact – maybe even advance notice of upcoming projects.
This article was kindly contributed by David Crick, MD of Contractors Marketing Services. You can read more in The Really Useful Guide To Construction Sales or see their construction sales special offers here.
See next Sales Essentials 3: What questions should I ask during a sales call?