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To streamline your mailing process and optimise cost-effectiveness, consider leveraging Selectabase's Hybrid Mail system. This system offers the following benefits:
1. Efficiency: Hybrid Mail automates various aspects of the mailing process, from printing to postage, saving time and resources.
2. Cost Savings: By consolidating your mailing tasks and leveraging bulk postage rates, Hybrid Mail can significantly reduce postage costs compared to traditional methods.
3. Convenience: With Hybrid Mail, you can submit your mailing list and your mail piece through the easy to set up print driver. This simplifies the entire process and reduces the need for manual intervention.
Planning Pipe has partnered with online print and mailing specialist Selectabase to help make your mailing process as time-efficient and cost-effective as possible. By utilising Selectabase's Hybrid Mail system, businesses can enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their direct mail campaigns, ultimately maximizing their marketing ROI.
You can contact Selectabase on 01304 383838 or email them at sales@selectabase.co.uk to get set up with Hybrid Mail.